Family Life 1. List the members of your family (include name, age, occupation and grade/level of education): Father: Sebasti‹o Alves de Goes, bus driver, finished 6th grade Mother: Maria dos Anjos Ferreira, housewife, finished 6th grade Son: Eric Ferreira Santos de Goes, 7, student in 2nd grade Son: Ewerton Ferreira de Goes, 7, student in 2nd grade Daughter: Elaine Ferreira de Goes, 6, student in 1st grade Daughter: Priscila de Goes, 6 months 2. How large a family did each parent come from? Sebasti‹o: 5 children; 2 parents Maria: 4 children; 2 parents 3. How much time does your family spend together at work and play? Work: none Play: 4 hours/week 4. How far do you commute to work or school? Sebasti‹o drives about 2 kilometers to work and 2 kilometers home. The kids walk 1/2 kilometer each way to school. 5. What kinds of transportation do you use? How much time is spent in transport? We use our car mostly. But sometimes the bus. Five hours/week in transport. 6. Do you actively practice your religion? How does it affect your daily life and community? Yes, we go to church on Sundays occasionally. Family Economics 7. Does your family consider itself rich or poor, comfortable or struggling? We consider ourselves somewhat poor, but comfortable; and we have a car. 8. How many hours/week does each family member work? Sebasti‹o: Works 10 hours/day, six days/week.